Wedding Planner with to-do List, Budget Planner, Guest List and Countdown. With Weddyday you are planning your dream wedding conveniently from home! In addition to budget pla
Wedding Planner with to-do List, Budget Planner, Guest List and Countdown.
With Weddyday you are planning your dream wedding conveniently from home!
In addition to budget planners, a chat, countdown to the wedding, guest and an extensive todo list can be found with Weddyday near you:
⊙ Locations for the wedding
⊙ Deejays, bands and solo entertainers
⊙ churches for the church wedding
⊙ wedding speaker for the free wedding ceremony
⊙ wedding outfitter
⊙ stylists and hairdressers
⊙ photographer
⊙ florist
⊙ confectioners and bakers
⊙ Auto provider for the wedding car
In addition, Weddyday helps you choose:
⊙ wedding dresses and matching shoes
⊙ veil, diademe, jewelry and stocking ribbons
⊙ suits and suitable shoes
⊙ shirts, cufflinks, ties and flying
⊙ wedding rings in all variants
⊙ Decoration in all color concepts
⊙ invitations and thanksgiving
⊙ Travel for the honeymoon